"It is time to gather, it is time to find one another, it is time to heal."

FREE Activation Video Meditation
Ignite The Light of Your Soul
Join me in learning this simple meditation key. In only 3 minutes, Ignite the Light of Your Soul will bring you inner peace and greater clarity by guiding your mind into calm thoughts and emotional strength. I have used this guided meditation for years to help me overcome the hurdles of motherhood, meetings, and traffic – in other words, life. Today I want to share this with you.
Ignite the Light of Your Soul is an energy meditation. While you are experiencing my guided visualization you will feel the warmth and the repose of Radiance; The Divine Presence that is here now to help us become free.
Enjoy the pleasure of re-connecting to your incredible soul!
Love and light,
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For Press and Media Inquirers Contact:
Steve Allen Media
(661) 255-8283

About Deirdre
Deirdre Hade is a Modern-Day Mystic. As a visionary leader Deirdre’s Radiance Healing Journey is a system of spiritual, emotional and physical regeneration. Based on Deirdre's awakening in 2004, rooted in the wisdom of the Kabbalah’s Tree of Life and the Hindu Veda’s her Receiving Bliss Mystery School and Radiance Pure Energy Program with Learning Strategies Corp. has reached 122 countries.
As a philanthropist, her non-profit, The Foundation for Radiance, is committed to serving all in need. She has been a member of Jack Canfield's, Transformational Leadership Council since 2009. Her mystical poetry book, The (not so) Little Book of Surprises, received a Silver Covrey Award in 2018.