Deirdre Hade and William Arntz
The Tao of Surprise
Your Undiscovered Key to Awakening
The Age of Surprise

“Revelation always comes as a Surprise. Transformation never comes on a time table. Surprise reveals what was always there but never seen, invariably bringing a jaw dropping “Ah-ha!” Knowing this we can become the “Masters of Surprise” in our own lives.”
The Mystic & the Physicist
Deirdre Hade and William Arntz

The Radiance Tree of life

Photo by Endre Balogh
Kripalu Center for Yoga and Health
Stockbridge, MA
Friday Sept. 21st – Sunday Sept. 23rd 2018
Venue: Kripalu Center for Yoga and Health, 57 Interlaken Rd, Stockbridge, MA 01262, USA
The Age of Surprise is The Great Age of Transformation. Heal your heart and ignite the light of your soul in this one-of-a-kind retreat designed to develop your ability to intuit, vision, create, and manifest in the joy of quantum creation. Find the fun in the physics of transformation and learn to live in the Art of Possibility by consciously using Surprise as a catalyst for healing. Three days of in-depth knowledge and healing. On Friday evening, William Arntz, creator of the film What The Bleep Do We Know?!, will give the scientific foundation of the physics of Surprise that will take you into a greater understanding of science and spirituality. Deirdre Hade, founder of The Radiance Healing Journey, will lead you on an in-depth Saturday and Sunday session into the inner workings of the greater reality by entering the Radiance Tree of Life. William has created a series of short films to illustrate these points during the Saturday and Sunday healing and teaching sessions. Explore how your brain, once super charged, can support your path of self-discovery in the mystical experience. Experience profound transformation as you expand your consciousness into depths of mystical rapture with the Radiance Crystal Healing Bowls sound bath.
Receive the Steps, Tools, Keys and Healing you need to gain resilience by reclaiming your lost wisdom within as you re-connect with the Light of your Soul, your divine self, in a program that includes:
The Weekend:
- The scientific information for actualizing the life-changing power of Surprise.
- The harmonizing and balancing of the left and right hemispheres of your brain, including the brain in your heart and gut for rejuvenation and restoration.
- The unlocking and freeing of your Mystical Superpowers.
- Radiance Healing Journeys for karma clearing to activate your Personal Success Story.
- Personal Messages for you from the Divine Presence, Archangels and Ascended Masters.
- An activation of your Radiance Tree of Life, your inner pillar of strength, resilience. And wisdom.
- All the necessary tools you need to transform stress, anxiety, depression, and overwhelm into living a life of Magical Grace.

The Violet Healing Flame
Healing the Healer: The Violet Transforming Flame
An Afternoon of Radiance Healing with Deirdre Hade
Petersburg, FL
Saturday, October 20th, 2018
Presentation 1:30-3:30pm
Venue: First Unity Spiritual Campus,
460 46th Avenue North,
St. Petersburg, FL 33703
(727) 527-2222
Fee: Love offering donation
In this workshop you will receive the powerful Radiance Healing of The Violet Transforming Flame.
The Violet Transforming Flame is an ancient mystical practice from the “I Am Presence” teachings. This flame is an energy that was brought to our world by Ascended Master St. Germain. Twenty years ago in a mystical vision on Mt. Shasta, St. Germain came to me and gifted me with the knowledge of this sacred healing energy. Now I want to share this gift of The Violet Transforming Flame with you.
This brilliant purple flame will:
- Clear obstacles that keep you from success
- Heal emotional trauma
- Clear away mental confusion
- Purify your etheric body
- Transmute karma
- Release you from energetic toxins
- Activate the original blueprint of your DNA
Radiance Healing with the crystal healing bowls and The Violet Transforming Flame creates miracles.
Whether you’re a beginner or a healing professional, the person in the family who helps and listens to everyone else’s problems, a caretaker, doctor, energy worker, nurse, mother, father, minister, or if you just have the sense you might have a healing gift, this workshop will heal you, clear your energy, make you more powerful and give you another tool to use in your life, healing your clients, workplace, your environment, and your family.

Deirdre Hade and Reverend Temple Hayes

Photo by Endre Balogh
The Radiance Tree of life
Mastering the Age of Surprise:
Entering the Radiance Tree of Life.
Petersburg, FL
Sunday, October 21st, 2018
Presentation 1:30-3:00pm
Venue: First Unity Spiritual Campus,
460 46th Avenue North,
St. Petersburg, FL 33703
Fee: Love offering donation
Join mystic, spiritual trailblazer and founder of The Radiance Healing Journey Deirdre Hade and her husband physicist, entrepreneur and creator of the paradigm – shifting film, “What the BLEEP Do We Know?! William Arntz in an afternoon of illuminating scientific insight and quantum healing in the Kabbalah’s Tree of Life.
In the Book of Thomas and the two pages remaining from the Book of Mary Magdalene the Tree of Life is spoken of by Yeshua as being the path to Ascension. Ten years ago, Deirdre received this same path of Ascension in deep meditation, leading her to study the ancient Kabbalistic mystical texts on the Tree of Life.
In this workshop, Deirdre shares this mystical path to enlightenment, and William talks about the neuro-scientific transformation in the brain and the quantum healing that occurs when we learn how to master the Art of Surprise.
An afternoon of stunningly new, illuminating, spiritual knowledge, (you won’t find this anywhere else!) you will receive an activation of your personal Radiance Tree of Life as well as:
- A clearing of the obstacles that keep you from success, joy, and happiness
- Practical tools on how to master Surprises when they catch you off guard
- An easy-to-do practice to clear and activate your personal Radiance Tree of Life so that you are an empowered, healed manifestor of your destiny
- Deirdre’s crystal healing bowl sound bath
“Since Deirdre started working with me and my family members, miracles have become the order of the day. She has deeply touched every area of my life, healing my body, freeing my spirit, and reconnecting me to my soul. I feel blessed to have found such a loving, joyful and enlightened guide.”
– Jack Canfield,
Creator of Chicken Soup for the Soul and The Success Principles.
Upcoming Event Details Coming Soon

Deirdre Hade and Reverend Kevin Ross
The Art & Science of Mastering
the Age of Surprise
Deirdre Hade and William Arntz
The Mystic & the Physicist
Sacramento, CA
Sunday, November 11th, 2018
Presentation 1:30 pm
Venue: Unity Sacramento,
9249 Folsom Blvd.
Sacramento, CA 95826
(916) 368-3950
Fee: Love offering donation
Welcome to the Age of Surprise!
Change is a natural part of evolution. But it can knock you off your feet if you don’t have the tools to ride the flow. Join mystic visionary Deirdre Hade and William Arntz, physicist and creator of the movie What the BLEEP Do We Know?! for an afternoon journey into The Art & Science of Mastering the Age of Surprise.
Come Learn and Experience:
- The Tools and the Steps for Thriving in Our Age of Surprise.
- How to Access Your Soul’s Purpose by Entering a State of Quantum Creation.
- How Surprise Releases the Brain’s Neuroplasticity for Maximum Spiritual Growth.
- A Radiance Healing Meditation and Journey – Entering the Tree of Life.
- Life-transforming Messages from the Archangels and Ascended Masters.
- What You Can Do To Help Our World During this Time of Uncertainty and Chaos.
The Age of Surprise Is Your Opportunity of Powerful Possibility
“When the early quantum physicists realized an electron was neither a wave nor a particle but both, they could not believe their own amazing discovery. Every scientific discovery comes as a surprise. It is now necessary to move beyond the merely intellectual exercise of reconciling science and spirit into a true, respectful understanding of both. It is imperative for humanity and the planet to survive the great transition, our Age of Surprise.” – William Arntz
“When you see your first angel or hear your first tree giving you lifesaving insight, trust me; you will be surprised! We are entering The Age of Surprise, the 21st century. The mystical gates of a greater reality are poised to open, leading the way for humanity to regain intuition, spectacular ideas and expanded compassion and healing on a global scale. Live in the Tao of Surprise, and our challenging times will become our greatest gift of revelation and redemption.” – Deirdre Hade
“Deirdre Hade and William Arntz (The Mystic and The Physicist) are so giving in nature, and they are only looking for ways to serve. We had over 250 people attend. It’s memorable, it’s something you will be grateful that you committed to, and you will see lifelong change within the essence of your community.”- Rev. Temple Hayes, Spiritual Leader First Unity Spiritual Campus, St. Petersburg, FL and Leader on Leadership Council, The Association of New Thought

Radiance Healing Journey Miami Beach with Dr. Paul Canali
Palmetto Bay, FL
Tuesday, February 27, 2018 8:00 PM
An evening of meditation, discussion and contemplation with Deirdre Hade.
Christ Congregational Church
14920 SW 67th AVe. Palmetto Bay, FL
Love Donation $20
No Advance Tickets – Please arrive at least 15 minutes early

Take a mystical journey
into the beauty and awe in life.
Check out The (not so) Little Book of Surprises
from William Arntz and Deirdre Hade

Take a mystical journey
into the beauty and awe in life.
Check out The (not so) Little Book of Surprises
from William Arntz and Deirdre Hade
FREE Activation Video Meditation
Ignite The Light of Your Soul
Ignite the Light of Your Soul is an energy meditation. While you are experiencing my guided visualization you will feel the warmth and the repose of Radiance; The Divine Presence that is here now to help us become free.
Enjoy the pleasure of re-connecting to your incredible soul!
Love and Light,