Prayer to Purify the Heart

Prayer to Purify the Heart


Beloved Presence of Pure Light purify my heart with your healing. Pour
your light into the places of my heart which are closed and distraught.
Bring your grace and transform my negativity into the light of love.

Transform all my feelings into golden thought where my feelings and your
creating unites in the splendor of compassionate giving.

Pray that we find your will in every minute and every second of every day.
Help me to become even more aware of your
presence in my life. I know that I cannot control life’s outcome but, I can be
a servant of my higher self and uphold my reactions, my choices,
my thoughts, and my perceptions towards the highest good for all.

Beloved Presence

Help me to see the horizon when there is only fog, no matter how distant it
is or how close. Help me to always know a new horizon is nearby.

Show me the way to make sense of this world and what I see. Show me
how to trust that in placing my trust in you,
you will bring me all that I need. Perhaps it is not always what I want or
desire, but help me see that you know even better than
I what my soul and spirit requires. Presence, help me to see this.

Presence of love, thank you for showing me where there is grace in every
day. Thank you for holding me in your loving arms. Thank you for being
rigor and tenacity. Thank you for being soft and gentle and kind.

Thank you for never turning your back on me. Thank you for purifying my
heart today. I am growing and I am learning from your patience.

Your infinite wisdom is my guiding light.

Join me on social media for your weekly inspirations, poetry, blessing and prayers, tools for you to find the calm in the chaos and live a radiant life.

FREE Activation Video Meditation
Ignite The Light of Your Soul

Ignite the Light of Your Soul is an energy meditation. While you are experiencing my guided visualization you will feel the warmth and the repose of Radiance; The Divine Presence that is here now to help us become free.

Enjoy the pleasure of re-connecting to your incredible soul!

Love and Light,