Blessing from Mother Earth
Divine Presence. Creator. Radiant Light.
From Mother Earth who formed you and birthed you.
My beloved children, created from my sacred womb,
clay fashioned from stardust into consciousness –
I am blessing you every moment of every day
with my golden light of life – as my heart’s only longing is to love you
forever. Hear my wisdom in the nature of all beings,
the animals, the plants, the minerals, the rivers and the sky.
My blessings surrounds you as I will always
care for you and provide for you. In eternal devotion
I carry you through the galaxy on the journey of our destiny –
My family, receive my blessings, absorb my love and know that we are
always One.

FREE Activation Video Meditation
Ignite The Light of Your Soul
Ignite the Light of Your Soul is an energy meditation. While you are experiencing my guided visualization you will feel the warmth and the repose of Radiance; The Divine Presence that is here now to help us become free.
Enjoy the pleasure of re-connecting to your incredible soul!
Love and Light,