“Expanses divine my soul craves.
Confine me not in cages,”
– Abraham Isaac Kook, 1865 – 1935
Dear Friends,
This beautiful and profound excerpt from Rabbi Abraham Isaac Kook’s poem captures the heart and soul of our longing for the divine. At the heart of the question lies, How can I share my light? Isn’t this at the core of our desire to achieve our dreams? We all simply want to share our light with others. Please join me as I share with you this entire poem, a beautifully written and deeply transparent calling from the soul.
Expanses divine my soul craves.
Confine me not in cages,
Of substance or of spirit.
I am love sick—
I thirst, I thirst for God,
As a deer for water brooks.
Alas, who can describe my pain,
Who will be a violin to express the songs of my grief,
I am bound to the world,
All creatures, all people are my friends,
Many parts of my soul
Are intertwined with them,
But how can I share with them my light?
— Abraham Isaac Kook, 1865 – 1935
What if we could create a Point of Presence where Peace and Unity could exist? We can do this. And we are already doing this every time we take a moment to be still, quiet our mind and enter into deep prayer and mindfulness. Here in this place of sacredness we collectively find one another. We reach out to one another through the unknown darkness of an empty theater. The candlelight illuminating this sacred theater is the shining light within our soul. As we join together in recognizing the light of our soul – this awareness, this expanded consciousness, illuminates the theater of our existence, our world, by allowing each of us to see one another for what we truly are – pure love, pure light.
God bless you.
Love and light, Deirdre