“Whenever your foundation is laid in God, there will be nothing that can shake it, no matter how strong the storm is.” – Angelo M. Swinson.
Dear Friends,
I am writing you from my home. It has been a painful time for me as our family dog, Yeled, has been in the hospital for almost two weeks. First of all I want to say thank you to all of you who have been sending your prayers and good wishes. This has been a time for me to reflect over the past eleven years. Big changes since then. My children grown and out of the house. Any mother can understand this loss. So Yeled was my link to the past of lacrosse practice, water polo games, Boy Scouts, school plays and nature hikes with the family. Without him here at the house everything seems so empty. Passages. We never really get out of them do we?
I hope you all are doing well considering the weather conditions and constant news of uproar. This is when we must put our spiritual practice of community and communion with a higher Presence up front and center. In spiritual practice the descent into grief is as important as the ascent into joy. We seesaw between the two. I think grace is when we have the rare moments of this seesaw being a magic carpet ride. The magic carpet ride really being the still quiet place inside of us as the passages of time refine our heart.
For those of you who haven’t read my, This is How We Create Love article, it is being featured in Yogic Herald this month. I love the photos they used and the layout is bright and fresh in a fun way. Please check it out. Yogic Herald has many wonderful articles to read. I encourage everyone to subscribe!
This week I have another video from my archives (I am still writing my book). In this video I share about how the ego loops us back into our old patterns of thinking. It takes reminding to stay in a place of virtue and spiritual and emotional health. I hope you find this information helpful.
Have a wonderful beautiful love‑filled week. So many people are out in the world passing goodness along. Thank you for being one of these people!
Love and light,