Now We Need to Love America More Than Ever

Betsy ChassePost

Now we need to love America more than ever.

– Deirdre

Dear Friends,

This Fourth of July has moored my heart into the question of who are we and why are we here as Americans. And to the discussions I read about in the news and on the television and social media these are my thoughts. As always thank you for being with me on this journey of Radiance.

The Light of America is Great. Democracy is divinely inspired. True democracy ensures equality and freedom to live, breath and aspire to one’s potential and actualize one’s dream. The ideals of America are Great.

In saying this, just like a person taking inventory and stock of themselves; Where have I not been my best? Where have I fallen away from my core values? These vital questions that keep one on a moral track are questions that we must look at in our country. We must evaluate our core values and virtues so that we can repair where we got off track as a country.

We are broken people living in a broken world. Spiritually we are here to repair our brokenness and heal our soul. No human is a saint. America is not a saint. America is made up of people the way the rest of the world is made up of people and we are all broken to some degree or another. We each have traumas, betrayals and heartbreaks. These losses un-grieved and unaddressed are wounds within our soul. These wounds fester and grow until they become the root of anger and hatred.

Our America has some broken parts of Her.

And our America also has parts that work very, very, well.

Being broken is not bad. Becoming aware of where we are broken is information from which we learn. Potentially giving ourselves the gift of discovery. Herein lies the point of transformed perception – the Grace within each other, the ability to change and redirect our values.



For America to repair herself she needs our love. She is fragile right now. She needs lots and lots of love, lots and lots of care, and lots and lots of forgiveness.

Lady Liberty is breaking; Her skirt crumbles and her arms are tired. Her bare feet are swollen from walking so far. Her stomach aches from emptiness and her eyes are swollen from weeping. For her to stand erect again, for her to be the noble queen of life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness we are going to have to be the ones to pick her up and carry her over the threshold of our broken time. We are going to have to hold Her while She recovers.

America asks us to forgive Her, for her past mistakes – as she was young and rebellious, insecure and naïve. Her vision and her cause were beyond Her ability or the ability of the people in Her land. But America laid forth a dream for all of us. And this dream is still very, very, possible and within our reach and She wants us to know this.

We are now on the birthday of our Independence 2019 in a moment of time’s questioning. We each have greatness within us and we each have made mistakes (sins) for which we pray and ask for forgiveness. The laws of truth and justice ask us to courageously pursue repair and redemption for our transgressions.

America is the people. It is time to repair and heal. Our healthy relationships with each other will reinvigorate the Great qualities of our United States of America. We are and can be this light. Find this light of Lady Liberty. This light is Her faith in our goodness, care, ability to rise up and heroically take care of one another when times are tough. America is older and wiser now. Let’s not abandon Her when she needs us the most.

Love and light,



Please join me in a prayer for our United States of America. Remember your prayer and your light of heart is the creative and healing Will of our Creator.



Prayer for Our United States of America
Deirdre Hade

We pray for the hearts and the minds of all Americans to reclaim
our true central pillar of core values and virtue.

We pray for the light of redemption and mercy to lift out all toxic
anger from our communities, our cities, our countryside,
our airways and our people.

We pray, Grace pour your healing salve into our wounds
and our prejudices so that we may
become a nation of tolerance and love.

We pray, Lady Liberty, “Mend the broken heart of Democracy.”

We pray, Lady Justice unite our divided country.
Renew what is sacred, that all humans have dignity.

We pray, God of Truth re-establish our purpose
as a beacon of light into this world.

We pray, Divine Inspiration, help us to remember why we were
given the torch of freedom.

For this torch is not ours alone.
It does not belong to us solely.
We are merely the custodians of a higher vision.

We pray, Beloved Intelligence, that formed and fashioned this
experiment give us strength, perseverance and faith.

Deliver us from those who would rob us
of our inalienable rights.
Help us to remember loving kindness.
Create the dream we have yet to realize.

We pray. And we affirm that from this seemingly broken time a
new possibility is about to birth.

Life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness…
that the actions of the Law are directed
from a spiritual consciousness.

We Pray this Declaration of our Hope and Restoration:
Encoded by Our Heart’s Soul Longing to be Free.

And We Will. Amen.