“Leaving behind nights of terror and fear
I rise
Into a daybreak that’s wondrously clear
I rise
Bringing the gifts that my ancestors gave,
I am the dream and the hope of the slave.
I rise
I rise
I rise.”
– Maya Angelou
Dear Friends,
Freedom comes from within. Transformation arises from perseverance. Truth unfolds over the course of a transergent landscape. We come to a location where the tide of day and the tide of night converge. This is such a time. We find ourselves in the place of facing ourselves. The mirror is close by. What we see will dictate what we choose to become. And our hearts, our broken, tired, worn‑out, restless heart will be calling; return to me; find my soul; redeem my vision of love.
In our own way isolated from one another this circumstance is a collective experience of becoming. So we wait. Looking into the eyes of a future we cannot envision. Our waiting is our faith. So let us call into a deeper faith and pray for the United States of America to become the dream we all dream. This is our hope. We are the hope. You are the hope.
Thank you for joining me in prayer.

Prayer for Our United States of America
Deirdre Hade
We pray for the hearts and the minds of all Americans to reclaim
our true central pillar of core values and virtue.
We pray for the light of redemption and mercy to lift out all toxic
anger from our communities, our cities, our countryside,
our airways and our people.
We pray, Grace pour your healing salve into our wounds
and our prejudices so that we may
become a nation of tolerance and love.
We pray, Lady Liberty, “Mend the broken heart of Democracy.”
We pray, Lady Justice unite our divided country.
Renew what is sacred, that all humans have dignity.
We pray, God of Truth re-establish our purpose
as a beacon of light into this world.
We pray, Divine Inspiration, help us to remember why we were
given the torch of freedom.
For this torch is not ours alone.
It does not belong to us solely.
We are merely the custodians of a higher vision.
We pray, Beloved Intelligence, that formed and fashioned this
experiment give us strength, perseverance and faith.
Deliver us from those who would rob us
of our inalienable rights.
Help us to remember loving kindness.
Create the dream we have yet to realize.
We pray. And we affirm that from this seemingly broken time a
new possibility is about to birth.
Life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness…
that the actions of the Law are directed
from a spiritual consciousness.
We Pray this Declaration of our Hope and Restoration:
Encoded by Our Heart’s Soul Longing to be Free.
And We Will. Amen.