“The entire Universe is condensed in the body, and the entire body in the Heart. Thus the Heart is the nucleus of the whole Universe.” – Ramana Maharshi.
Dear Friends,
It is the mystical experience that will take you into the heart of the Universe. The heart of heaven within is in you. It is in the very center of your soul and it is waiting for your conscious mind to return into this center of being, the heart of the Universe.
The indigenous people understand this. Mystical traditions rooted in ritual and ceremony have kept a secret door open into the heart, which is the heart of our sacred mother. The prophets understood this and engaged in ritual, prayer, and penitence to reach the states of their prophesy and union with the heart of the Universe.
The misunderstanding is that normal people, like you and I, are locked out of the sacred heart of Oneness with the Universe of “All That Is.” This just simply is not true. What is true is that you need a map or a guide to guide you into the heart of the Universe. This is why I offer my Radiance Meditation Journeys –for you to have an easy path into the experience of being One with Creation, your true Self.
When you gather this mystical light, you receive the light of freedom. The purpose of attaining this state is to bring the divine light back into the body of the world. In sharing your expanded union here in the body, your soul becomes truly happy. This is the most satisfying experience for the soul. When your soul has this experience, even if it’s only once, your entire life changes, you have peace and tranquility.
Since January, I have been sharing about experiencing, journeying and reconnecting into your heart and the heart of your beloved. In my video today, you will receive guidance on how to have your own mystical experience to nurture your soul, bringing you sustenance and clarity of divine understanding. You will then receive a Radiance Journey of Uniting with the Heart of the Universe.
I came down to Memphis this past weekend to visit my dearest friend growing up, Andrea. Her mother, Modeane Thompson, just passed away. Ms. Modeane was a powerful leader of the civil rights movement in Memphis, and as a social worker she worked tirelessly to help end racism. As International Woman’s Day was just last week, Ms. Modeane is a model of feminine nurturing, kindness, and stern love. She helped bring powerful change in Memphis and helped me to become who I am today. I love you, Ms. Modeane! You’re in heaven now!
As for me – I am still writing away… but very excited about the information coming in for this book.
In Love and Light,