Equinox Prayer and
Blessing Healing the Sacred Feminine
by Deirdre Hade
Beloved Radiance – Spring Equinox
I open my heart, my mind and my body
to receive your wisdom and understanding
from our Divine Presence
Mother of the World – Pistis Sofia.
In this moment I still my thoughts
I open my crown chakra
I open my Tree of Life
I spread my arms
lifting my palms upwards
to receive my healing
to reconnect my body, mind and spirit
with the Sacred Feminine
in all of Creation.
Whether I am a woman or a man
I know that by healing the Sacred Feminine
I heal our world.
So I offer my prayer to you
Divine Equinox where the light of the sun
holds the balance between
the shortest day of the year and
the longest day of the year where
the night of the feminine womb
and the light of spring renewal
unite the beloveds Heaven and Earth.
Standing beneath you basking in your
luminous rays my soul shimmering
in your presence my breath exalted
in the awe of your existence –
spreading your love to all of my sisters
and brothers creating and birthing
a new world of peace,
harmony, love and joy –
Thank you Mother of the World
Pistis Sofia Light of Wisdom
for hearing my prayer.
I rejoice in knowing that
held in your loving arms
of mercy and loving kindness
my heart and the Sacred Feminine
crystalline translucent light of
your emanation creates
a powerful force of healing
and transformation for our planet.

FREE Activation Video Meditation
Ignite The Light of Your Soul
Ignite the Light of Your Soul is an energy meditation. While you are experiencing my guided visualization you will feel the warmth and the repose of Radiance; The Divine Presence that is here now to help us become free.
Enjoy the pleasure of re-connecting to your incredible soul!
Love and Light,