Coming Soon
Welcome and thank you for saying YES
to Igniting the Light of Your Soul!
Welcome! Thank you for joining me in igniting the light of your Soul. Here you will discover a secret room inside of yourself where peace lives. This will be a place for you to drop stress, anxiety, worry into a bath of soothing calm healing Radiance energy.
Ignite The Light of Your Soul Activation Video/Mediation can be done anytime anyplace to bring yourself into calmness, clarity and renewed vitality. This is part of my morning and evening spiritual practice. Every morning when I ignite the light of my soul I have an inspired day.
Love and light,
P.S. monthly emails and inspiration coming….
“Fall in love with life. Fall in love with the trees, the flowers, a river. Fall in love until love takes you into the seat of your soul where joy, happiness and wisdom await – then success is yours – the gates of creation.”
Take a mystical journey
into the beauty and awe in life.
Check out The (not so) Little Book of Surprises
from William Arntz and Deirdre Hade