The Mystical Story of Passover and the Steps to Becoming Free

Betsy ChassePost

“The Lord is Close to the Brokenhearted” – Psalm 34:19 Dear Friends, Blessings for a beautiful Passover.  Today the moon shines as bright as it has for 10,000 years.  Look up into her face for you will see her light of hope.  This is the hope that throughout time has been a beacon bringing us together during times of broken-heartedness.  … Read More

Blessings of Light This Chanukah and Christmas, My Message for You

Betsy ChassePost

“Mankind is a great, an immense family. This is proven by what we feel in our hearts at Christmas.” – Pope John XXIII Click the Image Above to View Deirdre’s Holiday Message Dear Friends, Blessings of light to you and your family this holiday as Christmas and Chanukah overlay each other.  This is a beautiful tribute that we are indeed … Read More

Deirdre’s Thanksgiving Message and Prayer

Betsy ChassePost

“Behind all this, some great happiness is hiding.” – Yehuda Amichai Dear Friends, May this Thanksgiving be one of happiness, purpose and gratitude for you and your family. I am reaching out to you from the sacred land of Israel. It has been an honor to receive the wealth of mystical knowledge which this land holds. Every rock, every piece … Read More

How to make Wise Decisions; Cultivate your connection to the Inner Light of your Soul

Betsy ChassePost

“When we genuinely love and care for ourselves, we cannot help loving others too and wanting their rights preserved in justice.” – John Bradshaw, from Reclaiming Virtue Dear Friends, Divine Light actually works. Divine light is the transforming power of “Life It’s Self.”  This is not hypothetical nor is it ungrounded.  Divine light is the grounding of God’s energy, the … Read More

Your Six Simple Steps to Yom Kippur, Day of Atonement: Clearing Your Karma

Betsy ChassePost

“All things are too small to hold me, I am so vast – In the infinite I reach, for the Uncreated.” – Hadewijch II (13th century woman mystic) Dear Friends, The culmination of the Days of Awe come to the holiest time of Light. On Yom Kippur, the celestial beings, the stars and planets, form a sacred geometry of transcendent … Read More

Your Simple 4 Steps to Using the Light of Rosh Hashanah to Heal

Betsy ChassePost

I lift up my eyes to the mountains; What is the source of my help? My help will come from Adonai, Maker of heaven and earth. – Psalm 121 Dear Friends, As the birthday of the world sings to us rejoice life has been born, we cannot help but ask how do we stay connected to the joy of life … Read More

How Do We Share Our Light? Rabbi Abraham Isaac Kook.

Betsy ChassePost

“Expanses divine my soul craves. Confine me not in cages,” – Abraham Isaac Kook, 1865 – 1935 Dear Friends, This beautiful and profound excerpt from Rabbi Abraham Isaac Kook’s poem captures the heart and soul of our longing for the divine. At the heart of the question lies, How can I share my light? Isn’t this at the core of … Read More

Remembering 9/11 and Your Journey of Awakening

Betsy ChassePost

“The concentration of the true spiritual aspirant is attained through faith, energy, recollectedness, absorption, and illumination.” – Patanjali, 4th century saint Dear Friends, The river of life is an extraordinary river. She carries us on our soul’s journey to awaken and enter a state of super-consciousness. When you acknowledge this truth, your river speeds up, for she is eager that you … Read More